Monday, October 25, 2010
According to “America’s Sexiest Fitness Mom”, there are certain traits men love in a women, that go much deeper than just looks. Read on as you’ll be shocked by what men go ga-ga for. These “must do” rules bust the myths of what women must do to get and keep a man!
Read on and see if you got the main personality traits that make you irresistible to the opposite sex!


Men love a women who have a strong sense of self, yet without being full of herself. Confidence isn’t something you are born with. Rather, you create it within yourself. So ladies, practice your “super woman” walk, and strut your stuff boldly by walking as if you have an invisible cape flowing off your back. Speak with authority. Say what you want with meaning. Carry yourself as you are extremely important without looking stuck up. Men find this positive energy as sexy, desirable and attractive. Last note: don’t confuse being cocky with being confident!

Shows self love

Men love a women who know their own self worth. So ladies, every morning make a mental list of what you are doing right in your life. Your “benefits & features” of your personality will then shine through. This will naturally put up your “Im hot and worthy” signals out, attracting men to you from all around!

Has self respect

Men love a women who looks well groomed and put together without the super stuffy aura . So ladies, don’t go overboard with the hair and makeup. Leave that to the heavy metal rock stars. Rather aim to go for a classic clean look that exudes a natural sexiness. Why “scream” sexiness with your look when you can gently “whisper” it? Again, leave the extreme looks to Lady Gaga…

Down to earth, yet driven by her goals

Men love a woman who is relatable and easy going. However she must also have her own life, and her own goals. So men really value a woman who is simple and humble, yet also is ambitious but with integrity.


Sounds cliché, but it’s true. To keep a man, you have to be trust worthy and honest. Yes, the chase may be fun, and to keep a man on his toes wondering if you are really into him. Yet, in the long run being honest goes a long long way.

Knows how to laugh

Most men appreciate a woman who can always enjoy a good chuckle with a group of friends, and who blends into the fun. I remember when one of my hubby’s friends brought a new girl around to our group on a night out. She was stiff and stale, and never laughed with the group. Needless to say, she didn’t last long. Being in a relationship needs to be fun. Dating is not another dreaded job or work. So put on your happy face and laugh more often.

Shows Enthusiasm

A lot of women are afraid of looking too eager . So we actually turn down our level of interest because we are afraid we will scare them off. However, men don’t like it when you end up looking like you don’t care. Men don’t want a mediocre relationship filled with low level energy. They want a revved up and super charged women to brag about to their friends and feel proud about.

Is Passionate

It’s true, men love sex. But a man can pretty much get sex anywhere, anytime. What a man really wants is the passion in the act of love making. So show your inner sexy siren by going above and beyond the normal hanky panky act by making him really feel special. Aim to making not only his penis happy, but his heart too by really showing that you care for him by loving ALL of him. To sum it up: If you want glue in your relationship, point out and appreciate what others see as negatives. So next time you are alone, compliment his scars, his birthmarks and his uneven hair line. This works every time!

Is Not Jealous

Men squirm when a woman is too overbearing. Being jealous is a big no-no! Men don’t like a women who are insecure. Instead, they appreciate a women who is secure in herself. So when you are out with your man, aim not to become uneasy or threatened when other women are in sight. Rather pull the energy back to you by your proud body language by smiling, laughing and owning it!

The most destructive habit………………………………………………………Worry

The greatest joy………………………….…………………...…………………Giving

The most satisfying work…….…….………………………...………Helping Others

The ugliest personal trait…………………………………………...…….Selfishness

Our greatest natural resource……………………………………....……..Our Youth

The greatest problem to overcome……………………………....………………Fear

The best thing you can do for yourself………….........….....………Forgive Others

The most effective sleeping pill………………….............…………..Peace of Mind

The most powerful force in life………………………………....…………………Love

The deadliest weapon………………………………………..……………The Tongue

The worst thing to be without………………………………….....……………..Hope

The greatest asset………………………………………………….....……….…Faith

The most beautiful attire……………………………………………..………..A Smile
Thursday, October 14, 2010

From Jonathan Safran Foer’s “Eating Animals”:
“Just the other day, one of the local pediatricians was telling me he’s seeing all kinds of illnesses that he never used to see. Not only juvenile diabetes, but inflammatory and autoimmune diseases that a lot of the docs don’t even know what to call. And girls are going through puberty much earlier, and kids are allergic to just about everything, and asthma is out of control. Everyone knows it’s our food. We’re messing with the genes of these animals and then feeding them growth hormones and all kinds of drugs that we really don’t know enough about.
And then we’re eating them.
Kids today are the first generation to grow up on this stuff, and we’re making a science experiment out of them. Isn’t it strange how upset people get about a few dozen baseball players taking growth hormones, when we’re doing what we’re doing to our food animals and feeding them to our children?”
- Frank Reese, poultry farmer

Friday, October 8, 2010
The benefits of coconut oil truly reach far and wide, but certain components of this tropical oil stand out for their valuable contribution to good health. Lauric acid--a medium-chain fatty acid found mainly in coconut oil--is one of these prized substances. Pure coconut oil contains about 50 percent lauric acid, which makes it the most abundant natural source of lauric acid on earth.

How the Body Uses Lauric Acid When lauric acid is present in the body, it is converted into monolaurin, a monoglyceride compound which exhibits antiviral, antimicrobial, antiprotozoal and antifungal properties. It acts by disrupting the lipid membranes in organisms like fungus, bacteria and viruses, thus destroying them. 

The compound monolaurin is an effective treatment for candida albicans and fungal infections like ringworm and athlete’s foot. Monolaurin also specifically targets bacterial infections as well as lipid-coated viruses like herpes, the measles, influenza, hepatitis C and HIV. Researchers in the Philippines have even begun studies to research the effectiveness of lauric acid against HIV/AIDS because of its strong antiviral properties. Plus, lauric acid is essentially non-toxic, which gives it a distinct advantage over modern pharmaceutical drugs that are typically used to fight viruses, bacterial infections and fungal infections (I mean, heck, I'd rather down some coconut oil over conventional drugs any day!). 

Without a plentiful source of lauric acid, the body cannot produce monolaurin, and all of these important benefits are lost. Many people who regularly consume coconut oil experience less sickness. Breast milk is the only other natural source that contains such a high concentration of lauric acid, which could explain the drastic decrease of infections of all types in breastfed babies.

About Me

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Whangarei, Northland, New Zealand
Hi.. Im Katie. I am 20 years old. I am a student nurse. I love learning about healthy eating and living healthy lifestyles. There are so many lies and myths about the food we eat today and I am determined to spread the word. If you have any questions don't be shy to ask. Email me at P.S I am not a doctor, I do not diagnose conditions. I am just hear to educate myself and others. Any symptoms I address please see your doctor.
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